Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
Soldiers of Jah
by cofty ini would like to propose an ethical dilemma for those who believe in the divine inspiration of the bible.. in the following scenarios i am not asking you what you would have done but rather, what you hope you would have had the courage to do.. scenario 1. you are camped on the east side of the jordan waiting for orders to cross into the promised land.
moses is nearing the end of his life but he has some unfinished business to take care of before he hands over to joshua.
he announces that he has had an instruction from god to take revenge on the midianites before he dies.
Memorial Musings
by undercover ina few things noticed in last nights annual, jesus who?
1: only one scripture from the gospels was read or cited.
Jon Preston
Like Terry says in his book: Once a year Jehovahs Witnesses gather to NOT take communion lol
i missed the scripture where millions of people should just watch as anointed fact, i miss ANY reference to this second class of Christians anywhere in the Gospel...Funny, surely if they made up the majority of the "earthly organization" Jesus would certainly have been compelled to mention it, as it would otherwise create divisions and confusion among his
Just noticed something else that proves the Bible is made up.
by BU2B inexodus 9 then the lord said to moses, go to pharaoh and say to him, this is what the lord, the god of the hebrews, says: let my people go, so that they may worship me.
2if you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them back, 3the hand of the lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the fieldon your horses, donkeys and camels and on your cattle, sheep and goats.
4but the lord will make a distinction between the livestock of israel and that of egypt, so that no animal belonging to the israelites will die.?.
Jon Preston
I meant 9-12:29 sorry
Just noticed something else that proves the Bible is made up.
by BU2B inexodus 9 then the lord said to moses, go to pharaoh and say to him, this is what the lord, the god of the hebrews, says: let my people go, so that they may worship me.
2if you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them back, 3the hand of the lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the fieldon your horses, donkeys and camels and on your cattle, sheep and goats.
4but the lord will make a distinction between the livestock of israel and that of egypt, so that no animal belonging to the israelites will die.?.
Jon Preston
Well its a long way from verse 9-29 maybe theres a time gap!!!!! Maybe the livestock had some second first borns lol....
How isnt anyone connecting the dots?!?! Ugh memorial.
by Jon Preston intonight the talk was given and he speaker talks about the two hopes, i roll my eyes.
then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. i think to myself "why the hell does paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe entire corinthians congregation (right?
) that they should do it in remembernce of christ?
Jon Preston
lol good point. I DID smile at one point when my 4 year old goes "why arent we going to eat" really loud haha...whats the sayng? "out of the mouth of babes"
A point which virtually every JW will miss in this week's book study
by sir82 infrom this week's book study, the "draw close to jehovah" book, chapter 5:.
biologists have identified well over a million species of living things on earth; yet, opinions vary as to whether there may be as many as 10 million, 30 million, or more.. .
Jon Preston
Marked great thread
How isnt anyone connecting the dots?!?! Ugh memorial.
by Jon Preston intonight the talk was given and he speaker talks about the two hopes, i roll my eyes.
then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. i think to myself "why the hell does paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe entire corinthians congregation (right?
) that they should do it in remembernce of christ?
Jon Preston
Oh romans was a good...and another favorite part i forgot about was this little gem: "It doesnt jist explain what hope we have but also what we MUST do to show appreciation for this sacrifice"....i about spilled my cookies.
How isnt anyone connecting the dots?!?! Ugh memorial.
by Jon Preston intonight the talk was given and he speaker talks about the two hopes, i roll my eyes.
then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. i think to myself "why the hell does paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe entire corinthians congregation (right?
) that they should do it in remembernce of christ?
Jon Preston
Tonight the talk was giveN and he speaker talks about the TWO hopes, i roll my eyes. Then he talks about how the evening meal is onky for the elite 144,000. I think to myself "Why the hell does Paul say in 1 corinthians 11 when hes referring tothe ENTIRE corinthians congregation (right?) that they should do it in rememberNce of Christ?"
Then the speaker goes into the usual rant aboud how the work of Christ is being done in 200 and something lands...and i then think "Is this Christs memorial or a dick measuring contest?" Still unsure.
And of course my favorite part about how these 19 million people are just basically observers and not partakers of a covenant Jesus instilled as a sign of his sacrifice, his blood, his flesh , for all people....and he uses ZERO scriptures to back up the claim!! So Witnesses get together to NOT commemorate a thing instilled by early Christians....I feel like i grew a tumor while sitting there...Lordy
Why are we not seeing more posts on Cosmos? Im surprised! Believers, what do you think!?
by Jon Preston ini want to see and hear peoples views on what we have seen.
i, personally, think it has been fantastic.
i hear many complain its not informative enough or its sugar coated or whatever but i think its brilliant for the mere fact that its dumbed down for us lamen wife still doesnt get some of it and i agree...but that, for me, shows how comex real life is....its not easy as many religionists believe.....
Jon Preston
Cool! Illndeffo look into it!
Genesis account shaken!
by exWTslave inpeople who believe that every verse of the bible is inspired are in for a shock.
according to genesis account, god created heavens and the earthin a one-time act.
but an experiment conducted at the south pole, two weeks back, has caught ripples in the oldest light in the universe.
Jon Preston
Snowbird--FACT: you are not viewing things are looking from a biased point of view. You are starting with "the flood and bible is the truth" and then finding things that fit that ideal while ignoring facts.